I figured people may be genuinely interested in what I have planned in the near future (I don't know why. But I've always been one for bouts of delusional self-grandeur) so here is a small cop out from writing an actual blog entry as to what is happening.
Some of the more astute of you may have noticed the new box to the right of the page. I just want to confirm that you are not going mad and it does say Twitter. I have joined the world of online celebrity stalking in a bid to make myself seem more of a celebrity (yep, more self-grandeur). But if you do wish to follow my everyday thoughts and movements, as well as keep an eye on the things that I find that make me laugh, then I think there is a link under the widget thing to my Twitter page.
Of course, as of now, the only people who read this blog have either known me for years anyway and have seen already that I am Twittering, or have come because they saw the link on Twitter anyway. So a small bit of "non-news" there.
"What else?" you may ask. Or more likely not. Well, in terms of my actual life, very little. I'm still trying to get a job in Cambridge (or anywhere vaguely linked to Cambridge as of late) but no-one is letting me in, so for now it's carrying on working for peanuts as I build up a writing cred.
I have access to an unbearably portable laptop now and, as such, will more likely than not be making it my own personal travelling companion until I stop needing to travel or I can afford to get my own one. What this means for the blog is uncertain. Either, I'll be able to work on blogging at a more regular basis as I sit and dwell on the nightmare that is National Express trains or I'll be distracted more and more from blogs as I begin to focus more on those stories I've been meaning to work on. Hopefully I'll hit somewhere in the middle.
My ideal plan is to take this blog a bit further. Try and get some regular things going. Maybe reviews when I can afford to buy new things. At the moment, I'm struggling to find things that I can write about regularly that would be interesting and I'm always open to suggestions. And I have also considered a webcomic, but my lack of drawing ability may be my downfall there.
So, to sum up, the news is essentially, I got Twitter. Whoo! Hopefully for the next time I want blog filler I'll actually have something of note to say.
I love you all.
Except you. You are just liked.
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